Looking for a berth

So after returning home the hard job of finding somewhere suitable for the yacht when it arrives continues, the selection around Christchurch is not exactly amazing, we have the inner harbour which there is a waiting list on and its only pile moorings so you have to row to your boat. Else its Magazine Bay marina (pictured) which has peirs but lacks a breakwater of any sort and the southerly rips through and it gets pretty rough there! The only other options are Picton/Waikawa/Havelock which is a good 4 hours drive from home however the facilities are really good, scenery is fantastic but cost is pretty high in comparison to Lyttelton. And then there is the other less than ideal option of sticking it in Auckland which has the beautiful Bay of Islands on its doorstep but again costly and requires a flight there every time you want to use it. America you are spoiled for choice and have some fantastic facilities.....think yourself lucky. Oh how I would love to be back in Twin Dolphin Marina, that place rocked!!. Oh and some good news, the ship Dulcinea will be loaded onto has left Gibraltar and destined for Palm Beach and should be there on the 8th August so finally seeing some progress toward home.
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6 August 2011 at 17:03 delete

If you are thinking of Auckland maybe Whangarei isn't too far a stretch, A pile mooring at Kissing Point (in Whangarei) costs just under $1000.00 a year. Cheap flight to Jaffa land and car or naked bus to Whangarei.

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