Engine update

Ring ring, my phone is going at 8am and its Zac saying he is at my house for work and wondering where I am...umm, in Havelock mate, remember I have the day off, better ring Simon. Anyhow I was pretty much awake and just dozed for the next half hour before getting up and getting some breakfast on the go. Half way into brekkie Lloyd rang and asked when was suitable to visit, half an hour seemed fine for us to finish and get some dishes done. Before we knew it they were both aboard and the mechanic took one look at the engine and the list of things kept on coming. Rusted sump which he was surprised hadn't rusted through by now, injectors need replacement, hole in the exhaust, exhaust cooling water elbow leaking water onto the new starter motor, wiring loom rusted to hell...the list went on and it didn't get much better! so bottom line, he said don't waste time or money on the old thing, pull it out and put in either a new one or a rebuilt one that can be guaranteed as this thing is a ticking time bomb waiting to fail spectacularly. So we agreed that it needs to come out as its been the bane of every trip out, there is always something going wrong with it. So as soon as the mechanic has access to it in the shed he will pull it out and get me prices on a new engine. Not going to be cheap by all means but on the bright side its going to be something we can rely on to get us where we need. Oh and don't get me started on the gearbox, it sometimes goes into gear, when it feels like it...not helpful if your trying to dock it! so yeah I think I will be happy to see the ass end of that thing! Anyhow engine aside we went through all sorts of other things with Lloyd that we want done, left it at that then began the cleanup stage so the boys working on the boat had clear access to all the parts they need without having to move all our crap around the boat. We ended up finishing the cleanup and were hitting the road for home just before 1pm so were home at a decent hour. Will keep the blog and our facebook page posted as things progress. Hopefully he can send me some photos as things happen too.
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