Round North Island - Karikari Moana to Doubtless Bay

Arriving at Doubtless Bay

We left Karikari Moana on the 24th December feeling refreshed and more human. I had come out of my koala state as Owen called it and managed to be social and not sleep most of the day. It was still rolly and uncomfortable heading round to Doubtless but it was a short hop (16nm) so it was bearable!
After a couple of hours we made it and dropped the pick, it was shallow and we had to have a couple of goes at setting ourselves as there was a few rocky obstacles we didn't fancy hitting in the middle of the night. Without any hesitation Owen had jumped in the water for a swim and was loving it! I chilled out on deck watching him splashing about.

The next day was Christmas so there was some important things to be dealt with prior to the day, that was of course making the trifle! My dads trifle is a must on Christmas and since he wasn't there to supply the delicious mascarpone, custard and berry delight we had to make it. We had brought the supplies with us to make it, but as we didn't think the berries would last we had brought tinned strawberries and blueberries with us. We set about making the trifle and the hand whisk to whip the cream really wasn't cutting it, so Owen did what any man in the kitchen I imagine wants to be able to do, mixed it with power tools. Without much notice the whisk was taken from me popped in his drill and he was whipping the cream (and adding rust i might add). It seemed to work so we went with it. With the trifle made we relaxed for the evening with a touch of Breaking Bad.

Cooking like a man

Christmas morning we awoke to a beautiful day, we had some eggs benny for breakfast, called our parents to say Merry Christmas and have a bit of a catch up. Then dug out or well traveled gifts and ripped into them. I had found a lego set with plumbers in it, so no sooner that Owen had taken the wrapping off he was into the set putting it together (such a big kid). After presents and all that excitement we popped the lamb in the oven and started prepping for some Christmas lunch. While that cooked I pulled out one of my new books from Mum and Dad and started immersing myself in a modern version of Jane Austens Emma by Alexander-McCall-Smith (if you are into Jane Austen etc and know the story, its worth a read quite a fun re-look at the story).

Plumber Lego

We had some lunch then decided to move further into the bay nearer the little township. We dropped anchor again and launched the dinghy to go for a little explore. I was worried I would have the sea wobbles when we got to shore but I wasn't bad at all. We wandered up the road, came back and went up the beach, there wasn't too much to look at or do so we got back in the dinghy to go back to the boat.

Merry Christmas from Dulcinea!

We chilled out for the rest of the night, checked the weather, watched the sunset and made plans to head round to Whangaroa on the 26th.

Read about the next leg of our journey

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