Let the bookings begin

So Emma had a good talk to someone (who at this stage will remain nameless) is wanting to come for a boat trip and put their hand up for a relocation trip from Wellington to Havelock so we started booking tickets. Myself and person X are driving from Christchurch to Picton on Wednesday 18th July to catch the Bluebridge ferry across to Wellington where we will spend the evening and following day getting Dulcinea cleaned up, fueled up and ready for the trip across Cook Strait if the weather looks good. Emma has been given Friday off work so is flying up on Thursday night to meet us and hopefully all going well we can make a leisurely departure on Friday morning and get across the strait to somewhere nice that we can anchor up and spend a relaxing night before making another good dent  toward Havelock on Saturday. If this goes to plan we will anchor in one of the bays a couple of hours out of Havelock so we can motor the last bit on Sunday morning and make it into the marked channel at near high tide we we are guaranteed plenty of water and no unexpected groundings. When we are tied up and signed in we are getting a bus the short 30min trip from Havelock back to Picton where my car is waiting for us. So its all planned and as long as mother nature plays nice (and she better because she has given us a fair hiding already!), but on the off chance its not going to be a suitable weekend for a crossing we can easily spend the weekend in Wellington doing whatever we want then just get the ferry back to Picton and drive home. So please please please let it be nice, even no wind at all would be fine with me! just not another raging NW.
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