Times of Change

So after deliberation its time to leave Lyttelton after just 5 months. Its too stressful waking up in the middle of the night and hearing a southerly howling at home and wondering how big the waves are at the marina and how much of a pounding the yacht is taking. So I have made the executive decision to take Dulcinea north into the sounds and berth it at Havelock. Although its not right on my back doorstep and is going to be a 4 hour drive away its going to be safer for the boat, the area is beautiful and you can actually get shelter from all winds in the dozens of bays that make up the area, the fishing is great, the diving is a hell of a lot better and its closer to Able Tasman area where I would love to cruise at Christmas time. So we are set to depart on the friday of Queens birthday weekend and so far I have roped Dad into being crew (hopefully a better trip this time as our last experience was one never to forget). Also on the list and to be confirmed is Cory and Simon so fingers crossed for at least one of them as it would be nice to have 3 or 4 crew. Looking forward to it and praying the winds are in our favor, for once I will be praying for a southerly to be blowing through. I have posted a picture of the Havelock marina, looks a lot nicer than the one I currently have.... Keep you posted on updates and hopefully a small shakedown on Saturday.
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