Travel time

Not much to report for most of the day other than busy busy busy and people wanting things done now but not actually having time for a good couple of weeks. Anyhow I managed to get off work a little bit early to get home, pack my bag and throw everything into the car and before I knew it dad was arriving and we were into the car and off for the 4 odd hour journey but not before stopping at a petrol station as Emma had left the car on empty. Before long we were in the constant stream of people heading home to north Canterbury and afar, but it soon cleared and we made good time, stopping quickly at Kaikoura for a bite to eat and toilet stop. Then the miles passed and not long after 9pm we were into Havelock, out of the warm car and into the cold clear night and bitter wind. We raced all the essentials to the boat, threw the firdge and heater on and watched a few short challenges on the latest Top Gear DVD before snuggling into our sleeping bags.
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