The man flu

So last night I had a terrible sleep account of being blocked up, thirsty and in the middle of the night apparently had severe hunger attack so managed to down most of a pack of chips in my sleep...go figure! but I had a streaming nose and slightly watery eyes so as you can imagine I did not feel like doing work on the boat. However I took a concrete pill and got to work outside sanding more of the toe rail area while making a huge mess, blocking up the vacuum cleaner, and chatting to the marina manager who I originally thought was going to tell me off for making noise and dust. I reinstalled the dodger frame and put the tattered old dodger on to give some protection, and even managed to get a local canvas worker to come have a look and bet things in motion to have it rebuilt. When the sun started disappearing it got pretty cold quite quick so headed down stairs and watched more movies while cranking the heater and pieing out on chips and anything else I could get my hands on. Feeling pretty stink now I was determined not to let it get me down and vowed to keep working tomorrow...
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