Kitchen re-do again...

Apologies for not putting anything up in soooo long! I have been on the boat a lot and done a few trips so will have to head back in time and put some more posts up. But anyhow its a long weekend and I managed to get Roe to come along with me for 5 days to work. We arrived yesterday afternoon and got right to work managing to easily rip out the old kitchen bench and also completely strip the rear bathroom, whack a coat of paint on the hull (inside the bathroom) and watch a movie before heading to bed. But anyhow back to today, for some reason Roe was up first and after checking on me a few times to see if I was up he decided I must be dead and got up. It wasn't until I heard him come back from his shower I finally woke up, had some breakfast and a cuppa before deciding it would be helpful to remake a kitchen bench as we have nothing there. We basically spent the whole day measuring once and cutting 4 times (as Roe put it) and somehow managed to make a pretty good effort of the new bench top which now matches the front bathroom and soon to be rear bathroom. We  had dinner down at the local shop which Emma and I always walk past as it doesn't look like it going to be any good but we were surprised and they make a mean burger! then it was back onboard, sanded the bench down, added a coat of polyurethane, shower up and by that time it was bed time..for Roe anyway. I had a rather large quote to get finished and was up until 1:30am getting that done. Oh how I was ready for bed and I slept like a log.
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