Waitangi Weekend Day 4 - Tawhitinui Island to Tamuakawawe Bay

Owen & Roe ready for a dive.
A beautiful calm morning.
Sunshine! yay! after such a miserable day yesterday it was so nice to see the sun again. I decided it was time to take the plunge and jump from bed to the water. I changed into togs, climbed out the hatch and jumped right on in. Soon enough Karen was up after having a similar thought to me while she was in bed and she was in too. The water was fresh but so good too. We climbed out, dried off and had something to eat and drink, as it was getting nicer and nicer Roe and I decided to fill the dive tanks and go for an explore. After a lot of fussing we were kitted up and in the water, since Roe had not dived since Florida we opted to head for the shore, descend down the shore and head around the edge and see what was around, after we got to about 15m depth and were bored with what we saw we ascended and decided to head down the anchor chain and see if we can find the anchor in 60ft (20m) of water. After a quick descent to the bottom we followed what seemed like an eternity of chain which managed to turn 90 degrees a couple of times before we finally found the anchor firmly embedded in the muddy bottom. Its good to actually see it, Manson and most anchor manufacturers always claim their anchors self right and set quickly but who ever actually dives them to see? well I can say this one was well stuck and no matter how much Roe yanked on it he could't move it. We followed the chain back, slowly ascended and waited 5 mins at 5m for a safety stop before popping to the surface. After a good dry off, clean up and lunch we pulled up the anchor and made a move for an unknown spot. We were heading well back into the Pelorus Sound as we had to be back into the marina tomorrow so didn't want too big of a day. The wind was picking up from the east so we had to motor all the way and as soon as we rounded Tawero Point it seemed to follow us and was on the nose again. My choice for mooring was Homewood but that was well and truly taken with a few yachts already on it so we kept going before I had one of those f**k it! moments and turned a hard right and went 'this bay will do!'. We headed for the head of Tamuakawawe Bay as it looked shallow enough to get a good grip on the bottom and looked reasonably sheltered in there. When we got right in there, the daylight was starting to fade a bit so we got right into the dinghy and headed for the shore for a look, and after a good little jaunt up the river, around the shore and some silly buggers in the dinghy by me (including running it aground) we headed back to the boat for food, booze and games to round off a great last night aboard. The night was clear and calm and we all slept like logs.

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