Easter/ANZAC - Day 9: Kauauroa Bay - Yncyca Bay

We awoke to a bit of a dreary day with a little bit of chop coming into the bay, from this I assume the NW is building in the area as the mooring chart warned of swell rolling in with IMG_8576the NW. Anyhow I looked out the window for a while, hoping it was going to clear and be a nice day. We ate some breakfast, cleared everything away as we were certain we would get some sailing in today and before we knew it we were on the way. Soon we were greeted with 10, then 15, then closer to 20kn NW with a steep and regular chop sailing with about 30-40% genoa we made 6.5kn until we passed Tawero Point when the wind dropped completely and we had to fire up the iron sail again and motor into 15kn head winds, then it came onto the beam and was beginning to push 30kn, then we were blasted with a fraction under 45kn which made her heel a bit with no sail up at all. We were still making good speed and were approaching Stafford Bay mooring only to see another boat nestled in the protection of the bay, and I IMG_8572couldn’t be bothered trying to raft up in these conditions. So onward we went with the next mooring being Jacobs, which is more exposed but still in the lee side of the hills, but again this was taken so I made a last effort before having to find somewhere to anchor. I turned to port and headed across the channel to Yncyca, as I rounded the corner I was blessed with a free mooring and what looked like a calm spot. We pulled the mooring with no issues then headed below (except dad who wanted to fish, but after nearly being blown off the bow decided to retreat below). We sat below and played games and watched TV listening to the wind howl, and the wind generator sound like it’s about to self-destruct. The only other time I have heard the wind genny make that noise was the infamous crossing of the cook strait in 50kn so I was not really believing the wind gauge when it only read 20kn. Anyhow we spend the rest of the night below, making our way through 4 kitchen nightmares and 3 movies. By the time we went to bed the winds had died off and we were left to sleep in peace. The weather predicted some better weather tomorrow so fingers crossed because it was not much fun today. 
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