Paradise Bay to Miro Bay

After a good nights sleep we eventually all got out of bed to find the sun streaming in the hatches and a light breeze. Nothing starts the morning like a good cooked breakfast so I set to work on the stove and whipped up some great eggs benedict with smoked salmon and hollandaise sauce. After some quick dishes we did a spot of fishing before pulling the hook up and motoring off to a bay a bit further north. We watched the weather turn and before we knew it we were having pouring rain and quickly anchored only to find we were drifting into the shore so moved to the other side of the bay behind some mussel farms and tried again. This time we were stuck fast and before we knew it the sun was back out so we dropped our lines again and managed to catch some runty little fish which was good for bait and then I hooked up a shark, and low and behold dad had a shark on his line too but it managed to get off just before we got it aboard. After more rain and more fishing we decided to head off and find somewhere nicer to spend the night and headed further north and settled on Miro Bay which was quite deep but beautiful. Again soon after we stopped we had out lines up and then Zac and dad managed to land 2 more sharks so I guess thats our dinner. Dad filleted the sharks and then we turned our attention to the stove, we lightly dusted the fish in flour then dunked in beaten egg and then coated in panko crumbs and pan fried. The shark was topped off with some fried mashed potato cakes and veges, what a great feed! the fish was amazing!!. Tonight was spent around the table with some drinks and some card games before we retired to bed.
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