Happy New Year

Today was a nice welcome to the new year, I got stuck into removing the second holding tank and again in the process managed to get the bathroom and probably myself covered in piss and poo (not going to sugar coat it this time!), what a bloody horrible job. But after getting rid of the tank, bleach washing the whole room, empyting and hosing out the tanks I left them to soak in the sea and hopefully loosen off some of the hangers on. Then Emma said an old friend of hers was going to pop bye with her hubby for a drink and catch up so I got franticly cleaning to de stink the place. After a good hour or so catch up they left, I went back to replumbing the toilet, have a bloody good shower and laze around for the afternoon. That night we went to see Tin Tin at the movies, we mistakenly booked into the deluxe cinema which was great, big leater reclining seats, heaps of room and bugger all people on the cinema. We watched the movie (which is amazing and I would definitely see again! – maybe buy on Bluray instead of at the cinema) demolished a huge bucket of popcorn and a large coke. Then back to the boat for the night. 
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